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发布时间:2024-11-17 02:40:01点击量:568
本文摘要:A farmer in China has shown off his prize piglet which has two heads containing three eyes two noses and two mouths. 一个中国农民向记者展出了他中彩的仔猪。

A farmer in China has shown off his prize piglet which has two heads containing three eyes two noses and two mouths. 一个中国农民向记者展出了他中彩的仔猪。这只仔猪有两个头三只眼睛,两个鼻子和两张嘴。Locals began flocking to the farm in Luzhou south-west Chinas Sichuan province to get a glimpse of the mutant animal reports the Peoples Daily Online. 人民日报在线报导,当地人甚至开始四散到坐落于中国西南部的四川泸州的农场,为的就是一窥这一“变异”物种。

Some have even offered cash for the animal which was born on June 5.有些人甚至还要借钱卖给这只6月5日出生于的动物。Owner: The farmer surnamed Zhong says he has been offered cash for the piglet but will not part with it.仔猪的主人是位姓氏钟(音译)的农民,他说道他早已接到了买家的钱,但不不愿变卖它。He says he usually feeds the animals ragweed and did not give the pregnant pig anything extra.他说道他常常喂猪不吃豚草,未曾给分娩的母猪喂过额外的东西。



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